Events in HomeSeer

Create Events in HomeSeer

Personally, I think this is one of the biggest strengths in HomeSeer! Events in HomeSeer provide a great deal of flexibility in getting the HS3 software to solve various tasks in the SmartHome and homeautomation system. An example an event may be that you want freshly brewed coffee on next Thursday, as you need to get up early and drive to an important meeting. The event should therefore make the coffee machine to turn on at a particular time, on a particular day. You can see an example below, where I’ve solved this task. Kaffemaskine Event Here it is seen at 05:40 inthe morning of 17/02, an event in the system will turn on the device called Coffee machine which is on the 1st floor of the kitchen, and then HomeSeer will turn off the device again after 7 minute. This timer with an off time well add additional security, for example if a wrong date should be chosen or if you forget the coffee machine is on.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to how this event is made:

The event is now set up and you are ready to enjoy the freshly brewed coffee Thursday morning!